My mission is to help nonprofit leaders - like you - find creative solutions to their toughest challenges, to discover inspiration for their next big breakthroughs, and to feel supported and empowered to do their best work.
As a former executive director and a career nonprofit professional, I know that the work is intense, personal, and incredibly nuanced. My goal is to help you stay in the field you love - without burning out or feeling constantly overwhelmed. Executive directors and nonprofit CEOs make the world a better place when they are able to lead their organizations toward better results and greater impact.
Discover my top four list-building tools to fill your database with people who will support your cause.
Use this sample email schedule (and copy!) to expertly guide your members through their first 30 days.
Expertly plan and execute a bylaw review - this quick list of steps will help you get started.
Create a clear, concise, and inspiring mission statement with this DIY workbook for you or your team.
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